Untold Ref Review: Sunderland 0 – 0 Tottenham Hotspur « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade

This article is part of a series stretching over several seasons in which a team of referees analyse the work of refs in Premier League matches.

Our figures show that when we analyse the errors made by refs there are consistent trends which do not “even out” through the season, as some commentators would have it.    All the earlier ref reviews plus analyses of the errors made by refs, and articles relating to our campaign to have the body which organises referees activities reformed, plus an analysis of the background to this campaign, can be found on:

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Today’s referee is Chris Foy –

MATCH REVIEW DETAILS – Chris Foy (2012-04-07)
Period 1
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
1 OTHER VDV Colback C 1
7 OTHER Bardsley Bale C 1
12 OTHER McClean Walker C 1
21 OTHER Bendtner Parker C Could easilyhave been a yellow, tackle was a little naughty 1
22 OTHER Kaboul Bendtner C 1
23 OTHER Walker McClean C 1
27 OTHER Adebayor C Handball 1
28 OTHER Cattermole Bale C 1
29 OTHER N/C Advantage played after a silly challenge by Cattermole on Sandro, none gained so should have taken game back 1
29 YELLOW Cattermole N/C This was a dangerous reckless challenge that was s split second away from being a leg breaker, should at least have been a yellow and a stern chat 2
30 OTHER Cattermole Sandro C 1
35 OTHER McClean Sandro C Again could have been a yellow 1
36 OTHER Gardner Modric C 1
37 OTHER Parker Sessegnon C Assumed correct 1
38 OTHER Gardner Adebayor C 1
39 OTHER Assou Sessegnon C 1
44 OFFSIDE Bendtner C Assumed correct 1
Period 2
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
46 OTHER Larsson Bale C 1
52 OTHER Gallas Gardner C 1
52 YELLOW Gallas N/C Foy has clearly left his yellow card in the car, again this was a reckless challenge coming down hard and late on Gardners foot with his studs 2
56 OFFSIDE Adebayor C 1
61 OTHER Sandro Kilgannon C 1
61 YELLOW Sandro C A silly challenge, and a good yellow, but please Ref be consistent 2
65 OTHER Bendtner Walker C 1
66 OTHER Gardner Modric N/C Ref misses shirt being pulled back 1
78 OTHER Gardner Modric C 1
80 OTHER Walker McClean N/C Ref misses a push in back 1
83 OTHER Walker McClean C 1
86 OTHER Walker McClean N/C Both went for a header bur Walker jumped at the man not the ball 1
87 OTHER Kaboul Larsson N/C Larsson knocks the ball past Kaboul, who impedes Larsson, no foul given 1
87 YELLOW Larsson N/C Sorry Ref but you got this all wrong from about 3 yards and looking straight at it 2
87 OTHER Parker Larsson N/C Parker looses the ball and hooks his leg around Larsson, Ref does not see it 1
88 OTHER Assou Sessegnon C 1
88 YELLOW Assou C Ref was entitled to caution for this challenge 2
89 OTHER C Good advantage played as Colback tries to trip Bale to prevent him running at Gardner 0
89 YELLOW Colback N/C The move broke down with a crunching but just fair tackle on Bale by Gardner, but the Ref should have gone back and cautioned Colback for the attempted trip 2
90 OTHER C Stop play for treatment to Bale and start with a drop ball, giving the ball to Sunderland who had possession 0
92 OTHER Vaughan Lennon C 1
92 YELLOW Vaughan C Good yellow, but again I question his consistency, there have been worse challenges unpunished 2
94 OFFSIDE Defoe C 1

This was a dour encounter, Sunderland tried to suck spurs in and hit them on the counter, and Spurs were far from their best not having the guile to open up Sunderland. Both teams were poor, giving the ball away with alarming frequency for premiership footballers. There were a couple of pen calls, one for each side, but it was desperation by both sets of players and by Sky TV who were all guilty of wishful thinking and  needed something to happen, anything to bring this game to life. The Ref was right and he never gave either incident a second thought. The players, it must be said managed to beat the crowd and the watching audience into submission, producing a really drab and technically poor performance that will stay in the memory for exactly 0 seconds

Foy was slow to pull out the yellow cards, he let a few silly challenges go, the worst by Cattermole should have been cautioned and could have been a red, and Gallas too should have been cautioned. Bendtner can also consider himself lucky not to have a yellow as Foy started the game in a generous mood.

On another note, it was pleasing to see Adebayor once again fade at the business end of the season, he truly is a fair weather friend.  He was awful, absolutely awful!

COMPETENCY SUMMARY – Chris Foy (2012-04-07)
Period 1 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 1 1 100.00
OTHER 14 15 93.33
YELLOW 0 1 0.00
TOTAL 15 17 88.24
WEIGHTED 15 18 83.33
Period 2 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 2 2 100.00
OTHER 10 15 66.67
YELLOW 3 6 50.00
TOTAL 15 23 65.22
WEIGHTED 18 29 62.07
Totals Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 3 3 100.00
OTHER 24 30 80.00
YELLOW 3 7 42.86
TOTAL 30 40 75.00
WEIGHTED 33 47 70.21

A rather good first half but followed by a not that good second half.

BIAS SUMMARY – Chris Foy (2012-04-07)
Period 1 Sunderland % Tottenham Hotspur % Total
Correct For 6 40.00 9 60.00 15
Correct For Weighted 6 40.00 9 60.00 15
Incorrect Against 0 0.00 2 100.00 2
Incorrect Against Weighted 0 0.00 3 100.00 3
Fouls Commited 9 64.29 5 35.71 14
Fouls Penalised 8 88.89 5 100.00 13
Period 2 Sunderland % Tottenham Hotspur % Total
Correct For 7 63.64 4 36.36 11
Correct For Weighted 8 66.67 4 33.33 12
Incorrect Against 7 70.00 3 30.00 10
Incorrect Against Weighted 11 73.33 4 26.67 15
Fouls Commited 4 30.77 9 69.23 13
Fouls Penalised 4 100.00 4 44.44 8
Totals Sunderland % Tottenham Hotspur % Total
Correct For 13 50.00 13 50.00 26
Correct For Weighted 14 51.85 13 48.15 27
Incorrect Against 7 58.33 5 41.67 12
Incorrect Against Weighted 11 61.11 7 38.89 18
Fouls Commited 13 48.15 14 51.85 27
Fouls Penalised 12 92.31 9 64.29 21

The wrong calls slightly favoured Tottenham in this game. Much to the relief of Chris Hoy I think.



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