Untold Ref Review: Stoke City 1 – 1 Arsenal « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News, supporting the club, the players and the manager


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This article is part of a series stretching over several seasons in which a team of referees analyse the work of refs in Premier League matches.

Our figures show that when we analyse the errors made by refs there are consistent trends which do not “even out” through the season, as some commentators would have it.    All the earlier ref reviews plus analyses of the errors made by refs, and articles relating to our campaign to have the body which organises referees activities reformed, plus an analysis of the background to this campaign, can be found on:

Although this is a site built for Arsenal supporters we welcome comments from fans of other teams, although we tend not to publish comments which are simply abusive or which are completely off topic.

Today’s referee is Chris Foy

MATCH REVIEW DETAILS – Chris Foy (2012-04-28)
Period 1
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
3 OTHER Whitehead Song C Frontal tackle 1
3 YELLOW Whitehead C After seeing the incident a few times I came to the conclusion that it was a frontal tackle, studs showing but the knee was a little bit bent and his foot was over the floor. So I will agree with the yellow card from the ref 2
4 OTHER Song Pennant NC Pennant misread the ball and then went down when Song ran away with the ball 1
5 OFFSIDE Stoke C correct 1
5 OTHER Gibbs Pennant NC push not given 1
6 OFFSIDE Stoke C assumed correct 1
7 OTHER Whelan? Gervinho NC push not given 1
10 GOAL Stoke C correct 3
14 OFFSIDE Stoke C correct 1
15 GOAL Arsenal C correct 3
20 OFFSIDE Arsenal NC Not given 1
20 OTHER Walker Song C Holding 1
21 OTHER Shawcross RVP NC Jumped in the back, not given 1
26 OFFSIDE Stoke C correct 1
29 OTHER Song Crouch C little nudge 1
35 OFFSIDE Arsenal C assumed correct 1
38 OTHER Benayoun Crouch C well this will be one of the first times I have seen a player punished for someone jumping in his back 1
39 OFFSIDE Stoke C assumed correct 1
41 OTHER Whelan? Rosicky NC push not given 1
41 OTHER Vermaelen Crouch NC from the not given foul results in a free kick to Stoke for the faintest of touches in the back 1
43 OTHER RVP Shotton C assumed correct 1
44 OTHER NC Corner given to Stoke, came of Stoke player 1
44 OTHER Pennant Szczesny NC Pennant places himself in front of the keeper and interferes with the keeper when he tries to come for the ball, is a foul ref 1
44 OTHER Ramsey Etherington C a little bit of pulling going on between the two 1
46 OFFSIDE Arsenal C correct 1
Period 2
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
58 OFFSIDE Stoke C assumed correct 1
60 OTHER Stoke Rosicky NC trip not given 1
62 OTHER Benayoun Pennant C trip 1
62 YELLOW Benayoun C Deliberate trip, players was gone 2
67 OTHER Song Etherington C Trip 1
67 YELLOW Song NC a bit harsh, first foul, no real danger, 2
71 OTHER Whelan Vermaelen C trip 1
72 PENALTY Shawcross C appeal for handball but was outside the penalty area, but should have been a free kick as his hands were outside his body 3
75 PENALTY Whelan Benayoun C I can understand a supporter calling for a penalty but as a ref reviewer I cannot find conclusive evidence that there was a deliberate foul on Benayoun. So have to agree with the ref 3
76 OTHER Sagna Pennant C push 1
80 OTHER Wilson Rosicky C Trip 1
81 OTHER Diaby Jerome C High foot 1
83 OTHER Huth Benayoun C trip 1
86 OTHER Shawcross Santos C push 1
88 OTHER Jerome Song C push 1
89 OTHER Upson RVP C trip 1
91 OTHER Crouch Szczesny NC Crouch is holding his arm on the shoulder of the keeper so he cannot go for the ball 1
92 OTHER Stoke? Santos NC push not given 1
92 OTHER Whitehead Song NC Dangerous tackle 1
92 YELLOW Whitehead NC Dangerous frontal tackle, should be a yellow card 2
92 RED Whitehead NC should have been off for 2 yellow cards 3
93 OTHER Koscielny Whitehead NC went down as if he was shot in the back and then took the ball in his hands, ref falls for it 1

The last thing in football you want is a ref that lets things go at Stoke.  So when ref Foy gave a yellow card for Whitehead in the first minutes for a tackle on Song it gave a signal to Stoke that he would not allow that. I know some have called for a red card but after reviewing the incident I can see a few points why the ref did not give a red card. Whitehead stayed on the ground with this foot and his leg was not fully stretched so the impact was somehow reduced.

But he let a lot of things go after that. Pushing and shoving, at times inventing fouls like when Crouch jumped in to the back of Benayoun and the ref gave a foul against Benayoun who clearly could not understand it. Well I couldn’t understand it either.

In the second half the players played a rather fair game. The first real foul was punished with a yellow card against Benayoun and I have no complaints.  The yellow card against Song was very soft.

Certainly when you compare this with the late tackle in the extra time on Song from Whitehead. Again a late tackle and the ref gave advantage which can be given not that there was much on. But then when the ball was out of play he should have booked Whitehead and give him a yellow card and that would have been his second.

Let us move on to the penalties. And I like to remind you of the fact that we ref reviewers only over rule the ref when we are 100% certain of him making a mistake and we have video evidence of this. About the Benayoun incident.  I also had the impression a penalty could have been given. Can you imagine this situation with Young in the place of Benayoun on Old Trafford? I think the ball would have been on the spot before the player touching the ground.  Now as I didn’t find an angle in which I could say for 100% that there was a deliberate foul I have to agree with the ref.

The shout for penalty for handball from Shawcross was a bit easier as Shawcross was just outside the penalty area so it could not be a penalty.

COMPETENCY SUMMARY – Chris Foy (2012-04-28)
Period 1 Called Total Correct %
GOAL 2 2 100.00
OFFSIDE 7 8 87.50
OTHER 6 14 42.86
YELLOW 1 1 100.00
TOTAL 16 25 64.00
WEIGHTED 21 30 70.00
Period 2 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 1 1 100.00
OTHER 10 15 66.67
PENALTY 2 2 100.00
RED 0 1 0.00
YELLOW 1 3 33.33
TOTAL 14 22 63.64
WEIGHTED 19 31 61.29
Totals Called Total Correct %
GOAL 2 2 100.00
OFFSIDE 8 9 88.89
OTHER 16 29 55.17
PENALTY 2 2 100.00
RED 0 1 0.00
YELLOW 2 4 50.00
TOTAL 30 47 63.83
WEIGHTED 40 61 65.57

Despite all this points given to the ref, he still managed to get a low score.

Foy is not a ref who is out there to kill us with some big decisions going against us in general. But he is very soft in some parts of keeping a game within the rules.

BIAS SUMMARY – Chris Foy (2012-04-28)
Period 1 Stoke City % Arsenal % Total
Correct For 6 40.00 9 60.00 15
Correct For Weighted 8 40.00 12 60.00 20
Incorrect Against 2 20.00 8 80.00 10
Incorrect Against Weighted 2 20.00 8 80.00 10
Fouls Commited 12 63.16 7 36.84 19
Fouls Penalised 8 66.67 5 71.43 13
Period 2 Stoke City % Arsenal % Total
Correct For 7 50.00 7 50.00 14
Correct For Weighted 12 63.16 7 36.84 19
Incorrect Against 0 0.00 8 100.00 8
Incorrect Against Weighted 0 0.00 12 100.00 12
Fouls Commited 12 75.00 4 25.00 16
Fouls Penalised 7 58.33 4 100.00 11
Totals Stoke City % Arsenal % Total
Correct For 13 44.83 16 55.17 29
Correct For Weighted 20 51.28 19 48.72 39
Incorrect Against 2 11.11 16 88.89 18
Incorrect Against Weighted 2 9.09 20 90.91 22
Fouls Commited 24 68.57 11 31.43 35
Fouls Penalised 15 62.50 9 81.82 24

And if you look at the wrong calls it is again very much against Arsenal. But most of all for the little fouls somewhere in the middle of the field.

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