Untold Ref Review: Norwich City 0 – 0 Chelsea, the big zero game « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News, supporting the club, the players and the manager

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Today’s referee is Mark Clattenburg – Would this be a game to remember for any reason?

MATCH REVIEW DETAILS – Mark Clattenburg (2012-01-21)
Period 1
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
6 OTHER Johnson Terry C Advantage given after a high foot 1
22 OTHER Luiz Holt C Both playes lying on the ground tried to play the ball, so both could have been penalised and then you can let it go as the ref did 2
35 OTHER Morisson Terry C I had the impession there might have been a trip but no replay shown so agree with the ref 1
Period 2
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
47 OTHER Morison Meireles C Trip on defender. The first foul given in the game! 1
49 OTHER Torres Whitebread C Push 1
52 OTHER Holt Terry NC Holt ran backwards and Terry jumped in to him aftwer winning the header. By the gestures made I think it was the assistant who signalled a foul. 1
62 OTHER Meireles C Handball 1
62 OTHER Meireles Holt NC Came in with a high foot and then played the ball with his hand, nothing given 1
62 OFFSIDE Chelsea C Assumed correct 1
70 OTHER Johnson Luiz NC Blocked him with his arm, not given 1
71 OTHER Luiz Holt C Push 1
71 OTHER C For some reason the ref didn’t allow Norwich to take the free kick quickly but because of replays I don’t know why (ball not on the right spot?) 1
72 OTHER Morison Torres C Pull when defending in his own penalty area 1
80 OTHER Terry Jackson C Pull indicated by the ref 1
81 OTHER Jackson Luiz C Trip, advantage given no pressure on the other Chelsea players 1
88 OTHER Jackson Cole C Push in the back 1
89 OTHER Mata Naughton C Came in high foot 1
90 OTHER Johnson Ramirez C Pulled him back 1

This game will always be remembered as the dullest game ever in the history of the EPL. The ref actually didn’t blow his whistle once to call a foul in the first half. He could have called 3 fouls but one where both players made a foul and he just let it go and the other two with enough advantage so he could give it, the advantage that is.

In the second half  a few fouls but never one that would warrant a yellow card. He missed a few fouls but not that much. So a very simple game to ref for the ref.  But as a ref you know that in such a game you could fall asleep and suddenly see the game explode. But he kept the game well in control.

COMPETENCY SUMMARY – Mark Clattenburg (2012-01-21)
Period 1 Called Total Correct %
OTHER 3 3 100.00
TOTAL 3 3 100.00
WEIGHTED 3 3 100.00
Period 2 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 1 1 100.00
OTHER 11 14 78.57
TOTAL 12 15 80.00
WEIGHTED 12 15 80.00
Totals Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 1 1 100.00
OTHER 14 17 82.35
TOTAL 15 18 83.33
WEIGHTED 15 18 83.33

So a very high score from the ref in this not that difficult game.

BIAS SUMMARY – Mark Clattenburg (2012-01-21)
Period 1 Norwich City % Chelsea % Total
Correct For 2 50.00 2 50.00 4
Correct For Weighted 2 50.00 2 50.00 4
Incorrect Against 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Incorrect Against Weighted 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Fouls Commited 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Fouls Penalised 2 100.00 1 100.00 3
Period 2 Norwich City % Chelsea % Total
Correct For 6 50.00 6 50.00 12
Correct For Weighted 6 50.00 6 50.00 12
Incorrect Against 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Incorrect Against Weighted 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Fouls Commited 6 46.15 7 53.85 13
Fouls Penalised 5 83.33 6 85.71 11
Totals Norwich City % Chelsea % Total
Correct For 8 50.00 8 50.00 16
Correct For Weighted 8 50.00 8 50.00 16
Incorrect Against 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Incorrect Against Weighted 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Fouls Commited 8 50.00 8 50.00 16
Fouls Penalised 7 87.50 7 87.50 14

3 incorrect calls in the whole game. This is very well done by a ref. Also must mention that both teams played the game very fair and the ref did all he could to keep it that way.

Let me also point out that in such a game it is very easy for the ref to lose points. If a ref has to make 60 decisions in a game and he makes 3 mistakes his score is much higher compared to a game with only 15 decisions to make and if you make the same number of 3 mistakes.

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