Untold Ref Review: Aston Villa 0 – 1 Manchester City « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade

Today’s referee is Michael Oliver – A narrow win for City in goals but how did the ref score

MATCH REVIEW DETAILS – Michael Oliver (2012-02-12)
Period 1
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
10 OFFSIDE Aston Villa C assumed correct 1
12 OTHER Zabaleta Albrighton C Trip 1
14 OTHER Heskey Kolarov C Push 1
17 OTHER De Jongh Bent C Tackle 1
17 YELLOW De Jongh NC Came in from a distance, studs showing and foot above the ball, should have been booked 2
18 OTHER Bent Kompany C Push 1
24 OTHER Barry Petrov C High foot 1
35 OTHER Kolarov Heskey NC Didn’t see Kolarov doing anything wrong to be honest 1
37 OTHER De Jongh Albrighton NC Again a dangerous tackle from De Jong with studs showing, ref gives a throw in 2
39 OTHER Heskey Barry C came in late and pushed him in the back 1
45 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correct 1
46 OTHER Barry ? C trip but advantage given as it was in stoppage time and no City player near 1
Period 2
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
47 OTHER ? Barry NC late tackle not given 1
48 OTHER Kompany Keane C Trip 1
52 OTHER Petrov Silva C Trip 1
53 OTHER Bent Zabaleta C Trip 1
56 OTHER Petrov Silva C Trip and ref has a word with Petrov 1
62 OTHER Petrov Silva C Trip just outside the penalty area 1
62 YELLOW Petrov C A promising attack and Petrov was already warned 2
63 GOAL ManC C Correct goal 3
67 OTHER Dunne Milner C Kick from behind 1
67 YELLOW Dunne C Just kicked the opponent from behind 2
67 PENALTY Hutton C Handball but he tried to take one arm out of the way but as the cross came behind him it hit his other arm 3
70 OTHER Nzogbia De Jongh C Trip 1
74 OTHER Johnson Dunne C Held him 1
78 OTHER Bent De Jongh C High foot 1
81 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correc 1
82 OTHER Nzogbia De Jongh C trip 1
86 OTHER Hutton Silva NC frontal tackle, Silva jumped up not given 1
86 OTHER Nzogbia Silva NC After escaping the first tackle he gets a push in the back and therefore misses his cross 1
88 OTHER Nzogbia De Jongh C two footed tackle 1
88 YELLOW Nzogbia C Twenty minutes on the field and 3 fouls and this one a bit dangerous 2
91 OTHER Dunne Silva NC trip not given 1
92 OTHER Dunne Hart C Went in to the keeper after Hart pushed the ball away 1
96 OTHER Keane Kolarov C Push given by the assistant 1

A game dominated from start to finish by City and the ref was well in control of this game.

The only problem on the field was De Jongh. He did what he is good at making dangerous tackles and the ref didn’t notice it. Or he did notice it and gave a foul but didn’t give the well deserved card. It cost him some points.

COMPETENCY SUMMARY – Michael Oliver (2012-02-12)
Period 1 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 2 2 100.00
OTHER 7 9 77.78
YELLOW 0 1 0.00
TOTAL 9 12 75.00
WEIGHTED 9 13 69.23
Period 2 Called Total Correct %
GOAL 1 1 100.00
OFFSIDE 1 1 100.00
OTHER 13 17 76.47
PENALTY 1 1 100.00
YELLOW 3 3 100.00
TOTAL 19 23 82.61
WEIGHTED 24 28 85.71
Totals Called Total Correct %
GOAL 1 1 100.00
OFFSIDE 3 3 100.00
OTHER 20 26 76.92
PENALTY 1 1 100.00
YELLOW 3 4 75.00
TOTAL 28 35 80.00
WEIGHTED 33 41 80.49

But with a score of around 80% in total the ref had a fair game if you look at the calls made.  In total only 7 wrong calls in this game and that is not bad.

BIAS SUMMARY – Michael Oliver (2012-02-12)
Period 1 Aston Villa % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 5 55.56 4 44.44 9
Correct For Weighted 5 55.56 4 44.44 9
Incorrect Against 2 66.67 1 33.33 3
Incorrect Against Weighted 4 80.00 1 20.00 5
Fouls Commited 4 40.00 6 60.00 10
Fouls Penalised 4 100.00 5 83.33 9
Period 2 Aston Villa % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 4 21.05 15 78.95 19
Correct For Weighted 6 23.08 20 76.92 26
Incorrect Against 0 0.00 4 100.00 4
Incorrect Against Weighted 0 0.00 4 100.00 4
Fouls Commited 15 83.33 3 16.67 18
Fouls Penalised 11 73.33 3 100.00 14
Totals Aston Villa % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 9 32.14 19 67.86 28
Correct For Weighted 11 31.43 24 68.57 35
Incorrect Against 2 28.57 5 71.43 7
Incorrect Against Weighted 4 44.44 5 55.56 9
Fouls Commited 19 67.86 9 32.14 28
Fouls Penalised 15 78.95 8 88.89 23

If take a look at the bias we can see that most of the wrong calls were in favour of Aston Villa. But if we give the weight on the decisions we see that the bias is 55/45 in favour of the home team and this is a rather balanced outcome.

So all in all a good performance from the ref and with not much bias in it.

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