Untold Ref Review: Arsenal 1 – 0 Manchester City « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade

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Today’s referee is Martin Atkinson – The top game of the weekend, was the ref up to it?

MATCH REVIEW DETAILS – Martin Atkinson (2012-04-08)
Period 1
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
2 OTHER Nasri Song C Pull 1
2 OTHER Yaya Rosicky C Blatant pull 1
2 YELLOW Yaya C No chance of playing the ball at all just a cynical pull that prevents Arsenal to start an attack. One could argue but is the ref warning the players he means business? 2
3 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correct 1
5 OFFSIDE ManC C Balotelli kicks the ball in to the stands. 1
5 YELLOW Balotelli NC Not even a word from the ref? Could and should even have been a yellow card 2
6 OTHER RVP Lescott C Little push in the back 1
10 OTHER Song Yaya C Trip 1
10 YELLOW Song NC Another cynical foul, stopping a possible counter for City, should have been booked 2
11 OTHER Balotelli Song C Push 1
14 PENALTY Kompany RVP NC Kompany runs in the back of Van Persie and bundles him over. Ref gives a corner. Kompany had only eye for RVP and did not go for the ball 3
17 OTHER Nasri Vermaelen C Ran in to him when he wanted to head the ball away 1
19 OTHER Song Aguero C He was looking for the foul and at the end the foul from Song came, trip 1
20 OTHER Balotelli Song NC Balotelli pushes the ball too hard and then catches Song on the knee. Ref gives nothing. 1
20 RED Balotelli NC Studs showing, stretched leg hit him on the knee. My match reporter was disgusted when he saw the images. So was I for the fact that the ref gave nothing. Rosicky had a chat with the ref and I swear he was laughing at the time? The ref, not Rosicky. 3
24 OTHER Pizarro Song C A few pushes before and then the ref gives a foul 1
27 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correct 1
29 OFFSIDE ManC C Correct 1
29 OTHER Aguero Arteta C clipped his heel 1
31 OTHER Sagna Clichy C Trip 1
32 OTHER Balotelli Sagna NC Balotelli comes in again studs showing, again the ref gives nothing 1
32 YELLOW Balotelli NC No comment 2
34 OTHER Barry Gibbs C Could not see if Barry made contact with the ball so go with the ref 1
38 OTHER Balotelli Sagna C Came late 1
38 YELLOW Balotelli C Again studs showing how on earth is he still on the field 2
39 OTHER RVP Lescott C a bit of wrestling, assumed correct 1
41 OFFSIDE Ars C Correct 1
43 OTHER Walcott C handball assumed correct 1
47 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correct 1
47 OTHER Benayoun Barry C Trip 1
48 OTHER Balotelli C Handball 1
48 OFFSIDE ars C assumed correct 1
48 OTHER Sagna Balotelli C push in the back advantage given that leads to nothing after a while 1
Period 2
Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment Weight
46 OTHER Benayoun C handball 1
47 OTHER Barry Song NC Played the ball with one foot, catched the ankle of Song with the other. Look at the second leg ref 1
50 OTHER Nasri Arteta C Push in the back 1
51 OTHER Aguero Koscielny C Pulled him back 1
54 OFFSIDE Ars C assumed correct 1
56 OTHER Milner Rosicky C Trip 1
56 YELLOW Milner C a scissor tackle, wrapped his legs around the ankle of the Arsenal player. Dangerous tackle 2
58 OTHER Santos Balotelli C little pull 1
58 YELLOW Santos C I think the card was given for his reaction after the foul when he went to confront Balotelli a bit. 2
60 OFFSIDE ManC C assumed correct 1
63 OTHER Rosicky Clichy NC Nice dive 1
66 OTHER Arteta Barry C Assistang gave something, assuemed correct. No replay 1
67 OTHER Koscielny Barry C Caught him on the ankle, came late 1
67 YELLOW Koscielny C Came late on the ankle, correct card 2
70 OFFSIDE Ars C just but offside 1
70 GOAL Arsenal C correctly disallowed for offside 3
74 OTHER Balotteli Arteta NC held him nothing given 1
78 OTHER Rosicky Man, C Pull but advantage given as City can break 1
78 OTHER Milner Santos C Trip 1
80 OTHER Ramsey Balotelli C push, this time no yellow so I guess the reason for Santos was his own reaction after his similar foul 1
87 GOAL Arsenal C correct goal 3
89 OTHER Balotteli Sagna C Typical strikers tackle on a defender 1
89 RED Balotteli C Finally I would say. About 70 minutes too late 3
92 OTHER Barry Rosicky C Push in the back 1
94 OTHER Koscielny Tevez C Trip 1
95 OTHER Zabaleta Santos C Dives in with both feet on the ground, dangerous but ref gives advantage because Arsenal can counter (Ramsey miss) 1
95 YELLOW Zabaleta C Ref gives the yellow card for the rash tackle at the start of the counter. Ending on a high one could say 2

What can you say about this? I thought the ref started excellent. Given an early yellow for the first cynical foul in the game. It should have set the tone for the rest of the game. Unfortunately for the ref he stopped there for a long while.

Song should have gotten a yellow for his cynical foul on Yaya Toure. He clearly went for a block of the player without going for the ball. Was the ref letting things slip out of his hands? He sure was the usual average PGMOL ref when not giving a penalty when Kompany barged in the back of Van Persie without going for the ball.  Oh well business as usual for Arsenal.

The moment that will stay in our mind was the first madness attack from Balotelli on Song. How on earth could the ref not even give a foul for that. And how on earth could he not give a red card for that. This was bad, bad, bad. Both from Balotelli but also from Atkinson.  And when Rosicky came to him when Song got his treatment he laughed whatever Rosicky said away.  He then let Balotelli off the hook again when he came again studs showing towards Sagna. I think Balotelli felt he could do it because the ref let the first one go. Finally the ref gave him a yellow when he came in against Sagna with studs showing. By then he should have been off the field for a long while.

I feared the worst for Atkinson and for his score at that time. But I really wonder what happened in the dressing room at the interval.  Most of us might not have noticed it because of the tension and the passionate feelings surrounding the criminal assault from Balotelli but it was a different Atkinson that came out in the second half. Was it a clone?

Because he had a wonderful second half. Getting an overall score in the 90% and getting all the major decisions correct.  Yes a 100% score in the second half for the important calls. He saved his day in that second half and maybe saved his face as a ref?

COMPETENCY SUMMARY – Martin Atkinson (2012-04-08)
Period 1 Called Total Correct %
OFFSIDE 7 7 100.00
OTHER 17 19 89.47
PENALTY 0 1 0.00
RED 0 1 0.00
YELLOW 2 5 40.00
TOTAL 26 33 78.79
WEIGHTED 28 42 66.67
Period 2 Called Total Correct %
GOAL 2 2 100.00
OFFSIDE 3 3 100.00
OTHER 14 17 82.35
RED 1 1 100.00
YELLOW 4 4 100.00
TOTAL 24 27 88.89
WEIGHTED 34 37 91.89
Totals Called Total Correct %
GOAL 2 2 100.00
OFFSIDE 10 10 100.00
OTHER 31 36 86.11
PENALTY 0 1 0.00
RED 1 2 50.00
YELLOW 6 9 66.67
TOTAL 50 60 83.33
WEIGHTED 62 79 78.48

So it was game of two halves. One shockingly bad and one shockingly good. The goal from Van Persie cancelled for offside was a good decisions. Van Persie was just offside. The assistant got it correct. Just a not to the assistant on this: you were a bit too far ahead in fact so you could have missed it. Luckily the penalty area line made it easy on him.

BIAS SUMMARY – Martin Atkinson (2012-04-08)
Period 1 Arsenal % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 16 61.54 10 38.46 26
Correct For Weighted 18 64.29 10 35.71 28
Incorrect Against 6 85.71 1 14.29 7
Incorrect Against Weighted 12 85.71 2 14.29 14
Fouls Commited 10 37.04 17 62.96 27
Fouls Penalised 10 100.00 14 82.35 24
Period 2 Arsenal % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 12 50.00 12 50.00 24
Correct For Weighted 18 52.94 16 47.06 34
Incorrect Against 3 100.00 0 0.00 3
Incorrect Against Weighted 3 100.00 0 0.00 3
Fouls Commited 9 45.00 11 55.00 20
Fouls Penalised 9 100.00 8 72.73 17
Totals Arsenal % Manchester City % Total
Correct For 28 56.00 22 44.00 50
Correct For Weighted 36 58.06 26 41.94 62
Incorrect Against 9 90.00 1 10.00 10
Incorrect Against Weighted 15 88.24 2 11.76 17
Fouls Commited 19 40.43 28 59.57 47
Fouls Penalised 19 100.00 22 78.57 41

If we look at the wrong decisions it was in fact only a total of 10 “mistakes” and most of them in the first half. But of those 10 mistakes only one in favour or Arsenal.  Business as usual once again. And still no sign of things starting even getting close to evening things out for Arsenal. Come on Mike R. what are you waiting for?

My last word on Atkinson is to please take a look at rash and dangerous challenges. If things would have gone wrong we would have had our annual nightmare injury in this game.


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