UNTOLD ARSENAL: The stories no one else covers » Blog Archive » “If that is football, it is better to stop”. Arsene Wenger
Many of us have seen it coming – the endless idea, propogated on BBC 5 Live and on Sky Sports, that if you want to stop Arsenal you kick Arsenal.
It is said over and over, and players and managers come to believe it. We saw it when Sunderland attacked Diaby and now we see it again.
Worse we hear Sky Sports maintaining their sickening stance by claming that there was not much wrong with the tacle – an approach they backed up by not showing the pictures which clearly reveal the intent.
Obviously football cannot go on like this – and yet equally obviously the authorities and their paymasters, the broadcasters, are not going to allow anything to stop the current system.
So in the end it is going to be up to us, the supporters. Wenger is quite right – we cannot go on like this. How many more awful, terrible injuries do you want?
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