UNTOLD ARSENAL » Blog Archive » Curse of Arsenal strikes again
There’s no doubt that they didn’t quite see this one coming. When the Tiny Totts played Portsmouth and their supporters engaged in racist chanting against Sol Campbell, they probably thought they could get away with it. The police wouldn’t act, the FA wouldn’t act, Portsmouth wouldn’t act, and of course we all know that Tottenham H will never act.
So it was probably a bit of a shock that they then got hit with a Curse of Arsenal. In case you missed last year, we cursed two clubs – Birmingham City and WC Milan. Following (and I stress following) the Curse being put in place Birmingham had two raids from the fraud squad, the arrest of senior people in the club, the arrest of one director following an allegation of sexual misconduct by a lady from Essex, and relegation. There is no suggestion that anyone associated with the club did anything wrong or illegal.
Following the Curse hitting WC Milan and Mr Flamini, WC Milan lost its matches, and failed to get into the Champions League (which it had fully expected to do), and Mr Flamini found himself not only not playing at the top table, but no longer the regular starter in matches, as he had been. Instead he found himself a bench warming sub.
Since the Portsmouth game, when the Totts were cursed the results have been simple – they have lost both their league games, got to their worst start ever, and are in such a dire position that only one team has ever escaped relegation after a start like this.
But we don’t just hit the results. As with Birmingham City last year we like to get at the club and its staff. Today for example we hear that “fans” of the Tinies will launch a protest calling for chairman (a Mr Daniel Levy) to resign. This will happen at their next home game against Bolton (”Notlob”) on Sunday next. 25,000 leaflets to be handed out at White Hart Lane before the match, which demands that Enic (owners of the Tiny Totts) must sell its majority stake to new investors.
The Curse is only put on clubs and people after due consideration. Birmingham got it not because of the awful fowl that crippled Eduardo, but because of the way the club tried to minimise the issue, and claim that the tackle was nothing particularly untoward.
Meanwhile, Goonernews is having one of its occasional breaks from reality (at least in terms of this site) and not listing all our terrific articles of late, so here’s a quick link list.