The Untold ref review : Arsenal – Liverpool « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News, supporting the club, the players and the manager

By Ref Reviewer 02

Our home game against Liverpool has seen Atkinson coming to the Emirates. How did he do?

Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment points weight on
1 Foul Walcott Enrique C 1 1 1
1 Foul Frimpong Agger C 1 1 1
7 Yellow Frimpong C Frimpong delays the restart 1 2 2
8 Foul Kelly Sagna C 1 1 1
9 Foul Arshavin Kuyt C Ref has a word with Arshavin about delaying the restart 1 1 1
10 Foul Lucas Walcott C Theo has a moan at the ref, who correctly tells him to calm down 1 1 1
12 Foul Carroll Koscielny C 1 1 1
21 Foul Jenkinson Enrique C 1 1 1
24 Foul Frimpong Carroll C unintentional but a foul nevertheless 1 1 1
27 Offside Carroll C 1 1 1
27 Yellow Carroll C Well after the whistle Carroll kicks the all into the goal, the ref decides today he is playing by the letter of the law 1 2 2
29 Foul Kelly Sagna C 1 1 1
38 Foul Arshavin N/C The little Russian slipped on the turf 0 0 1
44 Foul Lucas Frimpong C 1 1 1
44 Yellow Lucas C Could be deemed harsh, but Atkinson is going by the letter of the law 1 2 2
Half time 14 17 18
CORRECT 93,33% 94,44%
YELLOW 3 3 100,00
RED 0 0
GOAL 0 0
OTHER 1 1 100,00
4 4 100,00
OFFSIDE 2 2 100,00
Second half
51 Handball Adam C 1 1 1
54 Foul Kuyt Frimpong C 1 1 1
57 Foul Lucas Frimpong C 1 1 1
60 Foul Nasri Adam C 1 1 1
60 Offside Carroll C 1 1 1
67 Other N/C Atkinson misses a push by Arshavin in the box that almost results in an Arsenal goal 0 0 1
69 Foul Frimpong Lucas C 1 1 1
69 Yellow Frimpong N/C This should have been a straight red, the ref does Frimpong a favour reducing the length of his ban 0 0 2
77 Goal O/G N/C Atkinson is let down by his assistant who misses an offside as the ball is played through 0 0 3
88 Foul Lansbury Adam C 1 1 1
88 Yellow Lansbury C Players have been warned not to question decisions when will they learn 1 2 2
90 Goal C There was an offside player in the build up but the ball was not played to him 1 3 3
92 PENALTY Carragher Van Persie N/C As Van Persie runs of Carragher he is hauled down to the ground, a dead cert penalty missed 0 0 3
2nd half score
TOTAL 9 12 21
% CORRECT 69,23% 57,14%
YELLOW 1 2 50,00
RED 0 1 0,00
PENALTY 0 1 0,00
GOAL 1 2 50,00
OTHER 2 2 100,00
4 8 50,00
OFFSIDE 2 2 100,00
TOTAL 23 29 39
% CORRECT 53,49% 74,36%
YELLOW 4 5 80,00
RED 0 1 0,00
PENALTY 0 1 0,00
GOAL 1 2 50,00
OTHER 3 3 100,00
8 12 66,67
OFFSIDE 4 4 100,00
Correct calls For Arsenal 7 46,67%
For Liverpool 8 53,33%
Total correct calls 15
Wrong calls Against Arsenal 2 66,67%
Against Liverpool 1 33,33%
Total 3

Referees appear to have come out this season and told the players no dissent!! If that is the case Atkinson is to be applauded because he certainly was consistent and stood for no nonsense.

He had an outstanding game but was let down by his assistant in missing an offside for the first Liverpool goal, and thus certainly costing Arsenal a point. The sending off of Frimpong was as straightforward as you will see all season, It should have been a red, and I think Atkinson showed some leniency here because he knew Frimpong was off regardless.

Once again we see Jamie Carraghers version of defending being to haul a man to the floor, when will linesmen learn and look out for this.

All in all an easy game to ref, very little need for the whistle, between two teams who played largely well within the spirit of the game.

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