The chronicles of wasted time « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade
By Walter Broeckx
Why on earth can we fly to the moon and back but still there is no time machine available on earth where we could put ourselves a few months ahead in time.
If such a machine did exist I surely would make use of it and move myself forward to September 1. The official transfer period has not started yet but I am already sick of it.
I’m getting sick because of all the rumours that fly around – most of which have no relationship with any form of reality.
Now I don’t go looking for rumours, they just enter my life. Enter through the front door one could say. But I would rather like them to vanish out of the back door at the same speed as they enter.
The problem with all these rumours is that some people always believe them and then start to hope that they are the truth. And when the day when it should happen goes by without the transfer being on they get angry and blame the manager, the board and all the people who work at Arsenal for not having finished the deal.
But if you really want to blame someone you should blame the people that have started the false rumour. And maybe you could blame yourself also because of being so easy to influence and believing every silly rumour that is flying around the internet.
An example is the “transfer from Fernando Llorento from Athletic Bilbao to Arsenal”. Last weekend suddenly it was on one of the social networks. Someone had heard that Llorento would give a press conference on Tuesday and made up that this was to announce him signing a contract with Arsenal.
So lots of excitement all round. Tuesday was the day we would sign a winner of the last world cup. Speculation flying around then moved onto the issue of whether this meant that RVP was going away, or was he backup striker or would he be played in goal in the Carling cup? Ah well, you know the usual chit chat that goes around every time we are linked with a player.
Tuesday came and went away. Now we are Thursday and as far as I know did not let us know that Llorente is going to be an Arsenal player next season. I even don’t know if Llorente has done a press conference or not. As I didn’t follow this up at all. I just could see that this was the next bullshit story made up by some sad person in this sad period of the year. I had better things to do than stay on the internet for the whole day just to see if it would happen or not.
As it didn’t happen we now have another set of comments saying that we show no ambition. We are a 3rd class club. Forever. And IN CAPITALS if possible. And in bold if possible. And colour too.
These people who write in claim to have been Arsenal fans for centuries. And yet they still don’t know that Arsenal does their business far away from the limelight. In fact when a player or a manager is talking about a possible transfer to Arsenal you can be sure that there is nothing going on.
We all know that for tactical reasons (and because the reputation of Mr Wenger for finding talent that can be brought on and developed is so great everywhere in the world except within the AAA) Arsenal doesn’t want to inform us or other teams about their possible transfer targets. The risk of the others storming in and offering double the amount of money and wages is too big. So Arsenal keeps it as secret as possible and asks the same of the other people involved. A real supporter should know this.
So why don’t we all cool down a bit and relax? We have had a nice weather the last week or so. Instead of shouting about the non transfer of player X, why don’t we just go outside and sit in the sun and feel how good life can be? [Sorry Walter, it is raining in Northamptonshire, but I get your point – Tony]
And while I am at it why don’t we leave some people alone? We could for example give RVP and his family a break. We don’t know how things stand for the moment. We don’t know what has been said or agreed other than to say nothing until the end of the European championship. Robin could stay, Robin could leave. But for the moment it is all open. And yet still the morons have attacked Robin his wife on the internet and have blamed them for not showing loyalty to Arsenal.
Just imagine that it is all in the balance still and you then get some idiots calling you names on the internet. That sure could tip the balance to the wrong side I think. And how can we expect a player to be loyal to our club when some of their “supporters” shout abuse at him and his family? It has to come from both sides. How can we expect our captain to be loyal or show respect when on the other hand some idiots shout all kind of abuse in his direction. I really cannot believe they are real Arsenal supporters.
My personal point of view is that I do want him to stay and step in the footsteps of that other great Dutch player we had : Dennis Bergkamp. I have seen Van Persie play at Feyenoord and liked him as a player. I never expected him to become the player he is today (i.e. one of the best strikers in the world) but Wenger has developed him in to just that. Even Robin himself didn’t believe it himself. So losing him would be a bad move I think.
But if he should decide to go I just hope he doesn’t end up in another team in the PL. I then hope he goes to Italy or Spain. Then I would be able to wish him the best in his life. That is the way football goes. Players come and go. Some you want to stay longer, some you don’t mind leaving. I would love Robin to stay longer but if it doesn’t happen we just have to deal with it, get on with it and look forward to the future. Maybe we have already a replacement for him. After all we have Podolski already for next season.
And who knows…maybe Wenger will come up with another “silly solution”. Does anyone remember the things that were said about Wenger when he put Robin up front? For most it was the ultimate proof that Wenger was a senile retard. It proved to be a master stroke. Another one. So whatever happens with Robin or with any other player that is being linked with Arsenal somewhere on the internet: we will see what will happen in real life. Don’t get worked up before something goes wrong. There is plenty of time when it happens. And let the manager find the solutions. He has proven on plenty occasions that he will find one.
And of one thing we can be sure: whatever happens we will start each game with 11 players on the field. And whatever their names are, I will be there to support them.
Oh my God, still 3 months of this madness in front of me….
[5 bonus points to everyone who recognises the source of the headline without having to look it up – Tony]