Shots, goals… the untold statistics machine keeps on rolling – part 5 – How did we concede last season? « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade

By Walter Broeckx

So now let us take a look at the goals that were scored against Arsenal and the rest of the teams in the EPL. And we will try to look at how the goals were scored like we did it with the goals in our favour: open play, dead ball and penalty.

Goals 2010-2011 Goals against Open play % goals Dead ball % goals Penalty % goals
Chelsea 33 23 69,70% 8 24,24% 2 6,06%
Manchester United 37 21 56,76% 11 29,73% 5 13,51%
Arsenal 43 24 55,81% 13 30,23% 6 13,95%
Manchester City 33 19 57,58% 10 30,30% 4 12,12%
Tottenham 46 33 71,74% 9 19,57% 4 8,70%
Liverpool 44 29 65,91% 8 18,18% 7 15,91%
Fulham 43 35 81,40% 8 18,60% 0 0,00%
Bolton 56 35 62,50% 18 32,14% 3 5,36%
Aston Villa 59 36 61,02% 19 32,20% 4 6,78%
Everton 45 36 80,00% 7 15,56% 2 4,44%
Newcastle 57 41 71,93% 11 19,30% 5 8,77%
Wigan 61 44 72,13% 13 21,31% 4 6,56%
West Ham 70 52 74,29% 13 18,57% 5 7,14%
Sunderland 56 37 66,07% 14 25,00% 5 8,93%
Stoke 48 33 68,75% 12 25,00% 3 6,25%
Blackburn 59 39 66,10% 14 23,73% 6 10,17%
Wolverhampton 66 47 71,21% 15 22,73% 4 6,06%
Birmingham 58 39 67,24% 14 24,14% 5 8,62%
Total 914 623 217 74
Average 53,15 34,61 67,78% 12,06 23,92% 4,11 8,30%

So if we take Arsenal and look at the goals against us in open play we are the team with the best record. Slightly better than Manchester United in second place and Manchester City in third place.

So in fact this is not as bad at first sight. But I can hear some of you saying: it is the dead balls that have killed us this season. And yes in numbers we have the worst record of the whole top half of the table. But when you compare this to Manchester United (and as they are champions I think it is a good team to compare yourself with) then you see that United only manages to be a little bit better than our “bad defence”. In fact United have the second worst record of the top half teams when it comes to defending dead balls!

A small detail I would like to point at is the fact that Bolton (Cahill) and Blackburn have conceded more goals from dead balls than Arsenal this season in numbers. Bolton conceded 5 more than Arsenal and Blackburn one more. Now this is something that makes you wonder.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the world is fine and all is fine with our defending. But when you take in account that we lost what should have been our best defender for almost the whole season this really is not as if we have been totally useless the whole season long when it came to defending dead balls. And like I said in one of my other articles: each goal that you can prevent from being scored against you has a high value.

So yes we should work on this and add something to our team and reduce this number. If we only could avoid a few it could have brought us some extra points. I also would like to point at the fact that the +40% of goals against Arsenal from set pieces also includes almost 14% penalties, as one of our readers already said a few weeks ago in his comment.

When you look at the goals scored from penalties we can see that Liverpool are the number one team. No team has got more penalties given against them this season. And there should have been more given. But Arsenal are in second place closely followed by Manchester United and City. And from United I know for a fact that a few more penalties should have been given.

And to finish this series for the moment I will try to give a few tables in which one could try to see the difference between the different types of play and the goals conceded. In a way one could say a table with strength and weaknesses of each team. And see if there is any balance between the way a team scores their goals and concedes their goals

Goals 2010-2011 Open for Open against Difference
Chelsea 68,12% 69,70% -1,58%
Manchester United 80,77% 56,76% 24,01%
Arsenal 81,94% 55,81% 26,13%
Manchester City 65,00% 57,58% 7,42%
Tottenham 70,91% 71,74% -0,83%
Liverpool 69,49% 65,91% 3,58%
Fulham 57,14% 81,40% -24,25%
Bolton 67,31% 62,50% 4,81%
Aston Villa 72,92% 61,02% 11,90%
Everton 68,63% 80,00% -11,37%
Newcastle 58,93% 71,93% -13,00%
Wigan 70,00% 72,13% -2,13%
West Ham 65,12% 74,29% -9,17%
Sunderland 80,00% 66,07% 13,93%
Stoke 52,17% 68,75% -16,58%
Blackburn 67,39% 66,10% 1,29%
Wolverhampton 58,70% 71,21% -12,52%
Birmingham 64,86% 67,24% -2,38%
Average 67,74% 67,78% -0,04%

So the higher the difference between the two scores means the higher the way they conceded goals from open play in this case.

And so you can see that Manchester United and Arsenal are the teams that score most from open play and concede not that much from open play. Fulham is the opposite of the two teams mentioned as they have a high negative difference between conceding and scoring from open play.

Goals 2010-2011 Dead ball for Dead ball against difference
Chelsea 23,19% 24,24% -1,05%
Manchester United 15,38% 29,73% -14,35%
Arsenal 12,50% 30,23% -17,73%
Manchester City 21,67% 30,30% -8,64%
Tottenham 20,00% 19,57% 0,43%
Liverpool 20,34% 18,18% 2,16%
Fulham 36,73% 18,60% 18,13%
Bolton 25,00% 32,14% -7,14%
Aston Villa 18,75% 32,20% -13,45%
Everton 25,49% 15,56% 9,93%
Newcastle 32,14% 19,30% 12,84%
Wigan 25,00% 21,31% 3,69%
West Ham 23,26% 18,57% 4,68%
Sunderland 11,11% 25,00% -13,89%
Blackpool 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%
West Bromwich 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%
Stoke 41,30% 25,00% 16,30%
Blackburn 30,43% 23,73% 6,71%
Wolverhampton 34,78% 22,73% 12,06%
Birmingham 29,73% 24,14% 5,59%
Average 24,82% 23,92% 0,90%

And in this case we see a definite weakness in the numbers of Arsenal. We don’t score a lot but we concede a lot more than we score. But the same goes actually for Manchester United and this is a bit more surprising for me.

And what goes up must come down and when I had to say that Fulham had a big difference between goals for and against in open play it is the reversed thing with goals from dead balls.

Goals 2010-2011 Penalty for Penalty against difference
Chelsea 8,70% 6,06% 2,64%
Manchester United 3,85% 13,51% -9,67%
Arsenal 5,56% 13,95% -8,40%
Manchester City 13,33% 12,12% 1,21%
Tottenham 9,09% 8,70% 0,40%
Liverpool 10,17% 15,91% -5,74%
Fulham 6,12% 0,00% 6,12%
Bolton 7,69% 5,36% 2,34%
Aston Villa 8,33% 6,78% 1,55%
Everton 5,88% 4,44% 1,44%
Newcastle 8,93% 8,77% 0,16%
Wigan 5,00% 6,56% -1,56%
West Ham 11,63% 7,14% 4,49%
Sunderland 8,89% 8,93% -0,04%
Blackpool 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%
West Bromwich 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%
Stoke 6,52% 6,25% 0,27%
Blackburn 2,17% 10,17% -8,00%
Wolverhampton 6,52% 6,06% 0,46%
Birmingham 5,41% 8,62% -3,22%
Average 7,43% 8,30% -0,86%

And finally the difference between the penalties for and against. And we must admit in this case that you cannot say that United for this season success has been dependent on received penalties. They had a low number of penalties and also a low numbers in percentage of goals scored from penalties.  Arsenal is in second place so we cannot say that we have been well treated when it comes to penalties. Also Blackburn has been badly treated in this way.

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