Shawcross « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News. Supporting the Lord Wenger; coach of the decade

What is unacceptable comment on this blog and in the ground? Come to that, what is racism?

Untold Arsenal is now on twitter at UntoldArsenal

By Tony Attwood

It is being reported in the UK this morning that last night on a TV programme an MP was speaking about a new 50 year defence treaty signed by France and the UK. Defending the decision to sign the treaty the MP […]

Football: law suits, player revolt, useless medics, pathetic Uefa, bankruptcy, and “not that kind of manager”

by Tony Attwood

Sometimes it is hard to recognise all this stuff as football. There’s so much off the pitch, that there hardly seems any room for the old ball kicking thing.

Just consider some of the stuff doing the rounds…

Arsenal: injuries, injuries, but a few returnees. A tunnel with light in it for […]

You can’t believe a single word I say (but you probably knew that). The reserves are no more.

Egg on face, custard all over face, total red face… how do I express my utter embarrassment?

After weeks if not months laughing at the Tiny Totts and others not managing to put together a reserve team, Young Guns (exquisite, up to date and far more accurate than Untold on such […]

You’re not very well: football stumbling along in an alternate reality

“You’re Fucked and you know you are….”

By Simon Bailey.

I think we are all caught in one of those moments where we are living an alternate reality. You sort of recognise what’s going on, but it all feels a bit surreal.

A week ago everything was normal. Respective managers were briefing their […]

Arsenal Burnley: a delightful and insightful fistful of pratfalls

It’s been months since we talked about players and matches, what with midweek dribble ball and the invasion of the hatchet men last saturday, so here’s a quick run down on this saturdays team, before a quick review of the opposition and their semi-illustrated history.



Sagna Vermaelen […]

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