Untold Arsenal » Police and stewards

Did the Lord Wenger really really say that???

There are stories circulating today that the Lord Wenger said after the coin and bottle throwing in Spain yesterday, that UEFA will investigate and make the right decision. It seems a curious thing to say, and if he did, then for once I shall ask permission (very politely) to disagree with the sainted Lord.

There was tons […]

Police 4 (or more) Arsenal 0

Last time I saw a game at Ninian Park I found the most interesting thing of the afternoon was the police tactics – but I thought that was a one off.  This time it was crazier, more bizarre, more insane.  Even in the wild days of the 70s it was never quite like this.
As we […]

It is time to start fighting back

The problems that arose at the Everton game worried me.  Not just the fact that Arsenal supporters (in the most expensive seats it turns out) took it upon themselves to throw stuff on the away support below, but also what appeared to be the inept response of semi-trained stewards who did nothing but attack the […]

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