Corruption in the Premier League: Poor-Bert, the next head of the PGMOL? « Untold Arsenal: Arsenal News, supporting the club, the players and the manager

By Walter Broeckx

What on earth is wrong with ref Probert? Last year I wrote an article after the Wigan game which was also a Christmas game only 2 days after a previous game. He then screwed us over with not giving a blatant penalty for handball in the last minute. And that after he gave a penalty for a dive outside the penalty box by Nzogbia.

The title of my ref review then was : Poorbert Athletic –Arsenal. And now again in the Christmas period ref Probert, or shall I continue to call him “Poor-bert” did us again.

I’m not going in to the ref review for now but I have seen things I only have seen done by Dowd last year at Newcastle in the second half.  But this time it was done with a remarkable consistency during 90 minutes of football.

Now we all ask for consistency from the refs but mr. Poor-bert we don’t mean that you just blow all the fouls in favour of one team and nothing, or almost nothing at all in favour of the other team.

I wondered what had to be done by an Arsenal player to win  a foul. Well it was helpful on a few occasions that  when they were fouled they fell and took the ball in their hands. A few times I was afraid that he might give a foul for a handball but well that far was even a bridge too far for this terrible ref.

In the first half Gervinho could be fouled and nothing would be done. The moment of throwing away the mask was short before half time. Djourou won the ball from Riise and then Riise made two fouls on Djourou and one was where he clamped his legs around the leg of Djourou and the ref just waved play on.  Two clear fouls on a defender in his own half. What advantage Mr. Poor-bert? Oh you mean advantage because of the fact that Fulham won the ball after the third foul by another player on Djourou when he won the ball again.

I then knew for sure that he was doing all he could to prevent us from winning. I think even he couldn’t image that he would be successful at that moment but you could see him thinking: I must do what I was told. Maybe his Fifa badge was at stake?

This is a game that was a master class in how to screw a team. In the good old tradition once started by ref Poor-bert his boss Mike Riley when he stopped our unbeaten run at Old Trafford with a shambolic performance which should have had as a result that he would have been kicked out as a ref forever. No, they made such a creature head of the refs. As a wise lesson to the other refs : act like this and you will get your reward.

Since then Dean has changed his former good run for Arsenal and is on a mission to make us lose every game he is in charge. Phil Dowd has done the same last season and since then is also on a mission to become head of the refs when Riley retires.

But mind you Phil because ref Poor-bert is also after his job in a few years time. His job application form has just been made after proving that he could screw us. And in his CV he also has last year Wigan game as a further recommendation.

Is it a coincidence that after our troubles at the start of the season the refs seemingly stopped their destroy job for most of the time but have stepped it up in the last games since it has become clear that Wenger has put us back in contention for at least a CL place?

Just as it was last year the job of Poor-bert to stop us at Wigan when we were getting close to the top position? If we need to be stopped, ref Poor-bert is the guy to send to an Arsenal game.  When will it stop, refs?

Or is ref Poor-bert still pissed off because of the FA apologising for the sending off from Wenger at Old Trafford on the indication of Poor-bert in last season?

PS: After writing this I went to my ref review of the Wigan game last season and I found out that in that particular game he just did the same thing and in the same way.

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